Sunday, April 12, 2009

Please Move It

This weekend I figured out a new pet peeve...


OK folks, I text message all the time, so I could care less about that, but being at Wal-Mart when it is crazy crowded is not the place to stop in front of me to text message someone. It makes it worse if you are wearing Uggs and a brightly colored sweatsuit. Hold still so I can punch your stupid face.

Also, I did something stupid. I was looking at my Cox bill and I was thinking "Oh my gosh I never watch any of this stuff." Really I only watch NBC, ABC, TLC, and Food Network, so when I was looking at all of the channels I have I thought "this is dumb." So I called Cox and cancelled a ton of stuff. At this point I'm feeling pretty good about myself... until tonight. I sat down to watch my fave show How It's Made and I got this message... "To order this channel please contact Cox." It killed me a little on the inside. How will I know where hot dogs come from? What about hockey boots?! This is a travesty... I think it comes on the Discovery Channel too, so I haven't lost it all, but it still hurts a little...

On another note... Happy Easter! We had a good one... church was fantastic and we had a great lunch! I hope you guys had a great one too! Peace out...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Name is Kacee... and I am a Britney-holic

Yes... I am 27 years old and I went to a Britney Spears concert, but OH.MY.GOSH.  It was unreal, people keep saying "but she doesn't even sing live."  Well, HELL NO she doesn't sing live... who could while they were being thrown in the air and dancing their butts off.  Britney doesn't pretend to be an artist.  She's an entertainer.

I am not sure why I love her so much... usually pop music isn't really my thing, but Britney has always been on the top of the list.  When she started singing "Baby One More Time" I was immediately taken back to high school with my friends belting it out in my car.  If you get bored and want to see the amazing opening to the concert just watch this video...

It was very Cirque de Soleil with Britney in the middle of all of it... I would go see it a million more times if I could.

Next up:


Holy cow I love concert season... No, I probably won't ever blog about anything else....